Tuesday, 6 March 2007

The fallas

The fallas are monuments made of cartoon which are placed in the midle of the streets of some towns of the Valencian Region. These fallas are placed for a week and each falla has a local called 'casal' where people go there to eat, drink and dance. Besides in this week a lot of people burns fireworks. The fallas are burned Saint Joseph day (19th march).

In my city there are eleven fallas and all of them are very joined.

I'm a member of 'La Barraca' which has won 'el ninot indultat' this year. I think that the fallas week are the best week of the year. In this week a lot of people go out and the city is full of children.

It's a popular party because people can enter in every falla. In general people like then and have a good time. Therefore I invite everybody to visit Benicarló in fallas. I promise that you will never forget the expirience.

Enjoy these Fallas!!!!

Tiempo en Valencia (46021)